Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13th

Bike (1:30hours) - Group bike ride with Tri-Tech. Excellent weather and ride. As usual, it was a bit fast and slow....Feeling good though. Legs were ok, and at no time during the ride was I feeling like I just couldn't go. Legs rebounded well from the run yesterday.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hard Ass Run

Run (1hour)

Well...My buddy Jeff took it to me yesterday on what I was anticipating to be a hard run see...he is fast...much faster than me! He is also prepping for the Cap City Half...and I am certain he will be well under 1:30.

As for me, I continue to try and keep the legs moving...still in the "training to get in training shape mode"....More on that later...

We left the office and headed out on the Olentangy trail. Right away, I could tell my allergies were going to be rough. I didn't notice them, until a few passes through the lovely pollen in the air. No worries until we hit the Horseshoe (OSU F-ball Stadium)...and this time and after 35 mins of hard running my lower back was having some I stopped to stretch...seemed to help temporarily.

Anyways all in all it was a HARD run for me. AVG HR 160, MAX 175

Looking forward to the next one with Jeff. It was good to run with someone far faster than I.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Catch up

Way too long for posting...

The 10,000 foot perspective on what I can remember = a few good rides (3 hour, 3 hour, and some inbetween)...a few good runs (2 hours on the trails, several short ones)...only a few swims (3200M, 2000M, and another short one)....some stretching.

Oh...did I mention a kick ass mountain bike ride with my good TN buddy? Good times on the trails, and I was suffering...

All in all, some weeks I am very consistent, other's I struggle. I have excepted the struggle and challenges I have. I never get upset missing a workout...especially when I have kid is too short for those of you that do. I have started to plan things a bit better and I can't wait for the weather to be consistent...Once it turns, I can tell you, we will be hiking, and biking together quite a bit.

I have enjoyed my oldest working out with me (when he isn't suffering from some sort of injury). The latest with that kid is he is growing like a weed and suffering from something called Severs Disease...(heal pain). Learned of a few stretches he can do, but he never complains, and just keeps going back to track practice and soccer...

Well it's finally spring break for the kids...time flies...we have no real plans other than a STRESS free week and simple enjoyment of the "little things".

Time to hit the treadmill.