Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another Ride and Good Day

I had to travel today for work and fortunately I was able to meet up with my buddy Scott on the way to Atlanta. Scott hosted me at his casa once again. He lives in what I call paradise. Trails and mountains (the eastern type) are out his front door, he has access to excellent roads with limited cars and of course the weather is usually warm.

With the time change, we both were able to have a full day of work and still get in a decent ride....

Out the door at 6pm and on the mountain for a few hours. I am really starting to like mountain biking. We started out on one tough climb. He kept warning me to take it easy, and I kept thinking this hill has to end sometime. It took us nearly 30 mins to reach the top. As with any hard ride up hill, you know it pays off once you are able to bomb down the descent. I wasn't disappointed on the way down other than the mud in the eyes! Lots of jumps, speed, and yes I am hooked on mountain biking.

All in all, this was another great day. Pic of his bike above (not actually his as I forgot the camera, but similar). I have been borrowing his other Maverick and that bike kick serious butt. I think its been a huge mistake riding it as I know I can't afford it!

So today was 1.5hour run in the early am watching the sunrise, and a 1.5 - 2 hour ride in the PM (we both forgot about time). Caveman ride.

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