Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3 days (8 hours) March 20th, 21st, and 22nd

March 22nd
Run (2 hours) - nice run in the evening on some local trails. Very hilly course and I completed 4 laps. I had to walk up a few hills to keep the HR in check. I don't have my watch handy for splits and HR, but I was at or near 150 the entire duration. I decided to cap it at 155 bpm. I do know my second and third lap was faster than the first. I think I drifted off during the 4th lap as it was a little slow. Legs are heavy from the run.

March 21st
Bike (2.5hours) - group ride from Hoover Dam at a reasonable pace. More of time in the saddle roughly 40 + miles...don't really know. I wore HRM, but didn't track AVG HR as I never started the watch. I did make sure to keep it under 150bpm for the ride. Enjoyable ride with the http://www.tritechmultisport.com group. Will definately do this ride again.

March 20th
Bike (3.5 hours??) - 3.5 hours....sounds about right....EZ ride all under 140 bpm. Rode from Dublin Glacier Ridge and headed towards Marysville with a fellow COTT member. Fortunately we didn't get lost as I have never ridden in this area. Time in the saddle with a small crash on some rail-road tracks....sucks.... Luckily the bike was ok! I only slid a few ft!

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