Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 23rd

Swim (45mins) - Short swim as I didn't have a ton of time. 400 W/U, 2x(400 pull, 200 max, 100 cruise), 6x50's breast/back, 200 CD

Run (basketball run) - Was on the court for at least 1.5hours. Legs were heavy...but good time.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3 days (8 hours) March 20th, 21st, and 22nd

March 22nd
Run (2 hours) - nice run in the evening on some local trails. Very hilly course and I completed 4 laps. I had to walk up a few hills to keep the HR in check. I don't have my watch handy for splits and HR, but I was at or near 150 the entire duration. I decided to cap it at 155 bpm. I do know my second and third lap was faster than the first. I think I drifted off during the 4th lap as it was a little slow. Legs are heavy from the run.

March 21st
Bike (2.5hours) - group ride from Hoover Dam at a reasonable pace. More of time in the saddle roughly 40 + miles...don't really know. I wore HRM, but didn't track AVG HR as I never started the watch. I did make sure to keep it under 150bpm for the ride. Enjoyable ride with the group. Will definately do this ride again.

March 20th
Bike (3.5 hours??) - 3.5 hours....sounds about right....EZ ride all under 140 bpm. Rode from Dublin Glacier Ridge and headed towards Marysville with a fellow COTT member. Fortunately we didn't get lost as I have never ridden in this area. Time in the saddle with a small crash on some rail-road Luckily the bike was ok! I only slid a few ft!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday, March 18th

First off...Happy Birthday to my middle guy! So happy he is healthy and strong...Super strong....seriously...he is strong....

I love how he is giving his best James Dean....Kid loves to act and pose...

Bike - approximately 1:45. Excellent ride today. Pushed quite hard throughout, but didn't get HR above 146. Starting to feel like I am back in a groove, but need to work on the 4th discipline even more - NUTRITION. Quickest way for me to get FAST is to drop weight....

I know I sound like a what...time to go watch The Proposal with a Michelob Ultra.

Wednesday, March 17th

Bike (1 hour) - solid hour on the bike. 5 min w/u...elevating HR to 150 and holding steady for next 50 mins. This was a struggle and I tried to keep cadence at or above 90 RPM. Solid workout. HR AVG 148

Run (1 hour) - NO HRM.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tri Kid

Catch up post March 12 - 16th

Friday, March 12th

One of the best workouts all year. My oldest son joined me! It was great to see him smiling and riding with me. He is complaining...wining...crying...etc...the kid just works.

Bike (1 hour)

Stairmaster (30mins) - I thought I would have him hurting on the steps....and I did! We cranked it up a notch and the kid was rocking at times on some tough levels....good to see him stick through the pain.

Saturday, March 13th

Run (45mins) - EZ Run on treadmill

Sunday, March 14th

B-day party at Grandma's house! Good times, too much food. That was my workout for the day.

Monday, March 15th

Run (55mins) - kept HR below 141 for the run. HR AVG 138

Tuesday, March 16th

Stairmaster (1 hour) - 10 min W/U. Had my heart rate steady at 150bpm. AVG for the workout was 149.

Basketball (1.5hour) - interval training I guess!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Doesn't Get Any Better!

March 10th

Swim (40mins)
Great swim. Felt awesome throughout.
250 W/U
2x300 Pull @90%
3x200 @95%
4x100's @100%
5x50's Fly/Free
100 CD

Basketball (2hours)
Played bball for 2 hours and felt decent. I consider this a bit of tabata and interval training....Ouch I hurt today. ____________________________________________________________________ March 9th

Bike (1 hour)
Felt decent on the trainer. Time flew by.
5 min W/U
4x10min @145 HR
5 min CD

Basketball (1.5hours)
Easy bball game. I didn't work all that hard.

Monday, March 8, 2010

March 7th and March 8th

March 8th
Swim (45 mins)
500 W/U Mix
15x100's....holding 1:32's....hurt...felt very slow in the pool....
200 pull
250 CD

Run (45mins)
Easy jog. HR did go above 140bpm. Started off sluggish...but felt very strong toward the end...I was tempted to go faster, but focused on keeping it EZ.

March 7th
Bike (2hours)
Rode outside. Bike felt great...but I didn't. Started out the ride with a small crash...fortunately...didn't do any damage to the bike...minor scrapes to me...kept on going. All my fault as I wasn't paying attention to the road and cars....dumb.

Snowboard (several hours)
Took the two younger boys snowboarding. Tons of fun. I had to pull the little one (Jackson) off the hill. He didn't want to leave. He is my little outdoor companion with no fear and the desire to do more than anyone else. My other son, (Joe) has natural talent, but could care less! He is very funny as he switched back and forth from snowboarding to ski's and still seemed bored. Although, he did enjoy playing in the snow! As a Dad, these are the days I live for. Outdoors and hanging with the kids....lots of fun to come over the years.

March 4th, 5th, and 6th

March 6th
Run (2 hours)
Treadmill run. Easy surface. 13 miles. No issues, wanted to go faster but kept HR in check. Need to update the playlist on the Ipod...

Swim (1 hour)
Various sets. Roughly 3,000 meters. Felt a bit tired as I swam after the run.

March 5th

March 4th
Bike (1 hour) - Indoor Ride.
Run (30 min) - Easy Jog

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 3rd - Masters Swim Group


I decided to swim this morning with a local Master's group the Columbus Sharks Good group, and they had a decent turnout. I am going to target 2 swims with this team each week.

Not having a consistent pool workout lately certainly showed. I was slow, but at least kept it going. This was the workout below:

250 W/U
8x50 drills
1x400 IM
4x125 (Red Zone on turns)
4x200 IM
4x75's (Red Zone on turns)
4x100 IM
Total = 3,450 Meters

Basketball (1.5 hours)
My secret tri-training (consider it interval training). Heck I like it. Solid workout.

March 2nd

Run (60 minutes)
HR AVG = 144
Felt good throughout.

Bike (2hours)
HR AVG = 141
W/U for 10mins. Struggled towards the end. Cadence 90+ throughout. Didn't have power meter attached.

Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1st

Swim, 2000M
250 WU
10x75's (15 sec rest)
10x50's (back/free)
10x25's (sprint - these hurt...)
250 CD

Run, 45min EZ
Avg HR = 138